it's beautiful here, today in the green mountain state. i am shuffling between chores in the house, art making and things that need to happen outside in the yard before it gets too cold. i've been very inspired and very motivated to make art this past week. so as the dishwasher is spinning, and the laundry is drying on the line, i've been painting away, outside on the deck.
i finally got the guts to paint on top of these two canvases. they were giving me such issues, the collages seemed off balance, lacking focus and just "not me." so i took a leap this morning and started in on it again. both canvases need more layers of color- but it's a start.
the best thing is- it's cleared my head as to where it's going- so now i can move forward without fear.
love when that happens.
can't wait to see where these go - love the lady on the bottom left. She looks so inquisitive
These are very interesting. Let us know where you go with them.
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