Wednesday, April 24, 2013

Apparitional Experience COMING TO: Vintage Inspired Marketplace: FRIDAY: May 3

Apparitional Experience
New Photographs by Lorraine Reynolds

180 Flynn Avenue
Burlington, VT

On Display:

May 3rd to June 5th

FRIDAY May 3rd

Here's a little bit of information about the new exhibit I will be hanging next week in the gallery at Vintage Inspired Marketplace. I am really excited about this new body of work. It is the first time, outside of showing it at Vermont College, that this work has been shown to the public.

A majority of the photographs were taken during the fall when I was out and about in the state of VT photographing crumbling remains of buildings and farms. This process was featured in the Burlington Free Press in October of 2014. 
click for link to BFP article.
These photographs are peaceful, silent, still, resigned forms of evidence. They are monuments. They are tombstones.They serve as documentation of "what was." On the surface they are images of crumbling buildings but they speak to something else. They point to the thing that is missing. These abandoned spaces are without human habitation.  Beyond the images of decay and abandonment there is something there that we can't quite define. Its untraceable. Indistinguishable.

The place between seeing and knowing is imprecise and extremely hard to nail down. It is a location in the mind that is only mapped by the memory artist.  It can be as elusive as a phantom that comes and goes into view like a fog.  It resides in the dark corners of our cellars and the cobwebs of our attics. It finds refuge in the gaps of our memory and solace in our childhood reminiscence.  

We find the spirits of the past lingering in the landscapes of trauma deeply rooted with a permanence of the ground that has reclaimed it.  Crumbling buildings and ancient estates serve as sanctuary for the forgotten, the lost, and the unclaimed. The souls who haunt our present are constant reminders of a past we cannot escape. We are intertwined with these beings as they are a symbol of our own mortality and our need for our own personal histories to persist in the memories of others.