In preparation for an online class that I am making for the Artful Gathering, I have moved myself into a brighter, more cozy (albeit, smaller) studio space on the main floor of our house. The attic has proven to be too cold in the winter and the stairs too tough on my knees. So, our three-season porch, has become winterized. I have been busy out here for the past few weeks, moving into my new space.
This past fall has been a complete whirlwind. I don't know how it got away from me. I taught two classes at Shake Rag Alley in September. Then I headed up to Minneapolis to spend some time vending a Art-Is-You. October and November had me designing and building costumes for NightFires, shipped them back to Vermont. How I missed working on that show. I'm was so excited and grateful when Marianne asked for my help with the dancer costumes.
Then December crept in. I was immediately off to Asia to work for two weeks with some of our vendors in Korea and Hong Kong. The day job has left little space for making or even thinking of making new art.
But, finally, with this new space, with all my materials around me- I have become inspired to work on art again.
New Work
Assemblage from found objects
Volt meter case, rusted lamp parts, metal lid, rusted spring, recovered bottle, vintage text, wire, china marker.
9"x 6 1/2" x 3 1/2"

This piece was inspired by a single atom and Walt Whitman's Song of Myself. In some ways it reminds me of the Shrine of Invention. There's a bit of an evolution my assemblages have changed some since 2008.
Every atom belonging to me as good belongs to you.
We are all stardust. We are all interconnected.
Wishing you Peace and Joy was we move forward into 2016.
I like "Whitman" but I feel there's something missing. I do not know what, or why. Perhaps that sensation of incompletude is your goal. Forgive my intrusion on your creative process.
I wish you also a joyful and prosperous year.
Luis, I am glad you raised this question. Yes, there is an open ending here. Whitman's idea of the soul is not clear and is incomplete.
The vintage text came from an old encyclopedia entry for ATOM.
(My brain skips around A LOT when I make.
Artist, as you know, find inspiration in the strangest of places. This is the place where process does not always translate or decipher in the most logical way. )
Reading the ATOM made me think about Walt Whitman's poem- Song of Myself. The Poem is Extremely long and can be difficult to read- but ultimately, is about the interconnectedness of being. How you and I and everyone else are all made from the same stuff. It is sort of how I feel about the assemblages I make. I pick up pieces along the road side, find anonymous scraps and bits. Although, there feels like they are all disparate objects, they are not. They are connected- if only in the fact that they are made up of atoms.
So, I hope this helps to add a little more to the creative process. I don't always talk about the connection of the dots.... But since you asked.
And- There is a book- by Michael Cunningham- Specimen Days - It's a novel that has inspired several works from me.
Thankyou for your kind explanations. Sometimes very obvious meanings for the creators need an helping contextualization for the enlightenment of the watcher. Observers tend to interfere in their appreciation with their own experience and subjectivity. I think it is in this movable ground that poetry and communication may happen and became the fragile, impermanent, transitory disposal we call Art.
Let me say then that I am very grateful for the art you do and the experiences you've shared here.
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