Monday, July 16, 2012

Mind Wide Open

Somehow, amazingly readers, I have completed my 1st semester of graduate school. Can you believe it? I sure can't. Someone should pinch me. Hard. There were times during the semester when I really questioned my judgement about the whole ordeal. I mean, seriously folks, this pursuit of knowledge has taken up a good portion of my free time. Ok, Ok, it has taken up all my free time. I mean, really, I haven't even had time for you dear readers. I will have to make a greater effort next semester about writing more. Poke and prod me. OK? Maybe, you can even convince me to share with you my deep intellectual (*cough. cough*) thoughts about art.

(untitled) L Reynolds copyright 2012
And as much as I am completely exhausted and so excited about having the next 2 weeks off from schoolwork, (Crazy right? 2 weeks, too bad it isn't the rest of the summer) I know there are so many things that I need to catch you up on.

So I will be investing some extra time to share with you some exciting things coming down the path.  And maybe we can talk a little, just a smidge,  about some of the more interesting things I learned in graduate school this semester. I promise I won't bore you with a recap on Jameson's theory of Postmodernism in the Late Capitalist Society. But we might talk a about somethings that connected deeply to my work, like objects, collections and souvenirs, nostalgia, Joseph Cornell and the punctum. We can open it up for discussion.

What I will say straight out is that going back to school has really changed the way I look at the world, as an artist, as a parent and wife, as a garment industry professional and as an educator.

It is really important to get out there and stretch your mind. As often as possible. If you can't go back to college, take a class. Art classes are EVERYWHERE. At your local high school as part of adult learning programs, at Craft/Art centers, at Community Colleges and near-by Universities. Get out there and start making. Make something you have NEVER tried before. I did. It helps to rewire your brain...

  1. If you have the chance go someplace different and new, visit a city you've never been to, go to galleries and museums or attend an art retreat. Some retreats allow you to sign up for as many or as few classes as you want. I know ART IS YOU.... does.  I am teaching three classes there again in OCTOBER and I can't say enough about how happy and recharged people became after attending workshops in that sort of setting. The bonding and sisterhood that happens is amazing and renewing. I bet you if you went over to their website and checked out the course offerings you would find something that really speaks to you.

I fill you in more about the classes I am teaching in the upcoming weeks.

For now I am going to leave you with a link to my PINTEREST board with some of the inspiration I collected over the past 6 months. Mostly these are artists or works of art that really had a profound influence on my thinking since January.  Enjoy the eye candy, and seriously do think about cracking open that brain of yours by getting out of the studio and into a class room, even if it is for just a four hour work shop. It's totally worth it....


Sunday, July 8, 2012

Vermont: Inspiration

I have live here for almost 21 years, which is as long as I have live almost anywhere else. So, (although, the died-hard Vermonters will never say I am one) this is where I call home. Vermont feeds me so much history and INSPIRATION.... I am so glad to be here. I suppose, if I was still on Long Island, I would just be working for old CDV's of whaling captains and potato farmers....But I am not, so instead, I give you Vermont school children and gentlemen from eras passed.

At any rate... I have been working on two series at once. The first, prints on old book covers and the second, transfers onto barn board. Each process has had its challenges but has been incredibly rewarding. I'll share with so, some works in progress. I hope you enjoy the little stories Vermont has to offer....

Oh- PS.... I love being PINNED on pinterest... (its an honor and a joy)but please remember, these all my work is copyrighted and I retain rights to all the art/photographyon my blog. Please PIN responsibility and give credit where credit is due... thanks!