Ok- deep breath. i just made it through possibly the busiest spring in years. maybe i am just getting old and having a hard time keeping up. i think it just been all out too busy. today, a dear friend of mine asked me how i do it. she said "you cram so much into your life, just reading your facebook posts make me tired." so deep breath, inserted right here. i've actually been taking a mediation class, which IS helping me slow down (a little.) but i do sort of have this philosophy that i can sleep when i'm dead.
really, i get it all done, because i don't sleep more than about 6 hours a day during the week, i don't watch more than 1 hour a week of TV, and my house will never be featured in Better Homes and Gardens.
to rewind to were i have been, work, my day job has been crazy nuts busy. art: oh, that's been pretty too. i participated in the queen city craft bazaar. which was a very successful day, thanks so much to kacey boone and hillary sherman for such a great show. two weeks later, i was hawking my wares at the Bolton Spring Bazaar, and where my 10x10 tent had it's last breath and had to be retired. i've been too some great antique auctions picking up great new pieces to include in my art. duane merrill's auctions has been a source of weekend entertainment, inspiration and materials. and i just finished up a 4 week photoshop class.
i've been checking out some new venues: i will be trying out the south burlington farmers market this summer. stay tuned for the dates i will be there. and some old venues. i'm back at the S.P.A.C.E. gallery, in the Art of Networking show. i'm signed up for the craft show at CVU, and WCS. and i am working on putting together my first solo show in the gallery at the Seminary Arts Center.oh, yes and i have been trying to breath some air back into my etsy shop.
so i have been a busy girl. hope your head isn't spinning too much. mine has just stopped! all this in about 6 weeks. so please accept my apologies for not blogging. i'm trying to find the time to keep you all in the loop. this summer is chock full of all sorts of fun things, new projects and yes a vacation!