Yesterday was the annual Burlington Zombie Walk- This is the day that the undead parade down church street, stumbling over innocent passersbys and growling for Braaaiiiiinnnssss!!!

My oldest son is a huge zombie fan and participated in the gore fest this year. The snowboarder dude zombie in the green sweatshirt is my off-spring. He had a great time in the parade of death and we had a great laugh watching the reactions of people strolling down the sidewalk. The best is when Henry smacked flat against a restaurant window dragging his bloody hands across the glass. He made the diners jump sky high and then burst out in hysterical laughter!
I've attached a video produced for last year's event - for Stuck in Vermont so you can get the full multimedia effect....
That's looks awfully FUN!! Too bad we do not celebrate Halloween much here :( Lovely costumes.. Great photos!
Whoa! That's so cool!!
i feel sorry for any children in the area lol sounds fun though but totally spook fest!
What a fun day.Enjoyed the pictures and video too.
I love that you wrote an article of this, and two of my friends are on the very top.
If you have more pictures, it would be amazing if you could send them to the myspace, so then we can all steal them:]
What a great event!!! Too bad I don't live closer...my kids would LOVE this!
How fun is that? We are huge Halloween fans. Who doesn't love to dress up? and with all boys, the scarier the better! They would love this!
Oh my goodness--what scary fun this must have been!! Love it! My oldest would have loved it!!
I'm sad that all the younger zombies left without the main organizers - I ended up not seeing most of them. There were two zombie herds because this thing doesn't usually start right on time. :)
I was the roller derby zombie with a head wound wearing a pink plaid skirt.
This is hilarious! I've never heard of an event like this.
Hurray! I'm so happy you're happy to have won! I have been feverishly preparing the house for company for the last few days (last night was the night of the visit) and so have not been online to check in with you. (If you remember the pics of my dining room you know why it took days to prepare!) I will be sending your prize out either Wednesday or Thursday so you should get it early next week.
Thank you for all your support these last two years, sister. It has meant a lot to me. I'm so glad the DH drew your name!
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