Each of us has cause to think with deep gratitude of those who have lighted the flame within us. A Schweitzer

To this end- I wanted to find a way to thank all the people who have support and inspired Glimmering Prize over the course of the year. I've put together a little collage artist's dream pack and will be giving it away in a drawing on Monday. To enter, leave a note on this blog about your spark- where it comes from, who inspires it or what keeps it going. On Monday, I'll draw one name from all the entries and send out this sweet little collage pack to the lucky winner.

Thanks everyone for all you have done to see me through this most amazing year.
What a wonderful giveaway!
My spark comes from the beautiful faces of the Romi children. When I am feeling down and uninspired, I need only to think about the beautiful children of my charity, and how my work can ultimately help them one day.
My constant inspiration comes from my family first and foremost and my desire to make them proud, to do better for them day in and day out, and to make the most of what I've been given. My other sources of inspiration come from my artsy friends, colors that speak to me, a word or phrase from a book, hearing a son on the radio,and just really my everyday simple life that speaks volumes when looked at frame by frame.
Happy Thanksgiving LR-- :)
My spark comes from within, I am not one for putting my thoughts into words, I do not have that gift. So I instead try to create my art from my feelings within. Kind of like journaling, without words. I also get much inspiration from my many wonderful fellow mixed media artsits, one of them being you!
Happy Thanksgiving L~
Hmmmmm...my spark? I guess it comes from my love of vintage and the desire to pay homage to those who came before....but to give them my little twist :) I am forever encouraged by my online art friends...you know who you are...and am so grateful for their support and encouragement when those self doubts creep in.
What a lovely and generous giveaway, LR !!!
Happy Thanksgiving, dear :)
Wow what a juicy packet! I am inspired by the process of making art. I love colours and texture and even the product. Mostly though I love sharing with my online friends.you guys/gals are the best! So my inspirations are my friends, My family, my educations, hopes for my future in art, and always God! Hugs, Sanna
Happy Thanksgiving to you too and thank you for this wonderful giveaway! My inspiration comes from anything vintage and memories of times at grandma's house, etc.
What a generous thing to do!
My creativity is constantly flaming! It is fueled by the creativity of others, by the beauty in the world and by everything in between.
Sounds very new age-y I know, but the more I create the more I NEED to create. Its a life force all its own!
My spark comes from the universe. God in so many ways has given me the gift of creating. It gets carried through every aspect of my life, from my children I remember the importance of play and happiness.
Thanks for this! This is wonderful!
I am inspired by nature, my family history, my wonderful boyfriend, and other artists--both famous and not.
Jen M.
Wow...Lorraine such a alovely giveaway.... My grandson always inspires me to do art...he always wants to see my swaps and when he gets in the mood he wants to make a bookmark and two for some other girls at school...I let him use my stamps and he loves doing punches...so he punches flowers moose etc out for me and makes stencils from them so saves me time and gets me going creatively..I enjoy how interested he is in art at 13 still..and takes the time and enthusiasm to do some and gets me in there to help...Such a joy for me! Hugs,Ina
My inspiration comes from each and every blog artist, that I seek out every day. I have ideas in my head, that without the internet, I never would realize. It is from people like yourself, that urge me on, and I thank you for that.
Many things will inspire me!
I am moved with by surroundings,being in the moment and experiencing to the fullest.
I am moved by other artists,sharing with other artists,my family,my cat Bijou...to many to be listed;-)))
Happy Thanksgiving and happy to see some of your work again! What a wonderful giveaway too! I find my inspiration from people and places around me and things I see that spark my imagination! Everything I see makes me think of what it can or should be when I start to create something whether my art work,beads or my fiber obsession! thanks for the spark you have now given as well to make us all think of what is our driving force behind our work and creativity!! have a wonderful weekend and enjoy!! love the new member of your family too such a pretty dog!! Hugs Linda
what an awesoem idea! I get inspiration from traveling and photgraphing other cultures! Have a great holiday!
x0- Nicole
My spark comes from so many different places…from the patterns and endless variety of colors that abound in an ever-changing world; from my family who offers support and encouragement in times of self-doubt; from a connection with history and the ancestors who have come before me; and from my art friends, who constantly inspire me.
Lovely idea! Often it is this very sort of thing I find inspiration in. The best that the world and people have to offer, the beauty that surrounds us if only we are willing to let go of the baggage and see with eyes and heart open.
My own work flows primarily from the feeling, emotional, internal experience, out through my hands into generally sensual forms, nonverbal communication through experience of art.
thanks everyone for visiting my blog and writing about where your spark comes from! fantastic!
I would have to say that my "spark" comes from my online friends and internet groups. There's always a wealth of inspiraition, encouragement, challenges and, if those fail to inspire, suggestions and/or commiseration! Without them I would feel so isolated....indeed, there would be no spark.
Doreen aka LuniLadi
Nothing like a cool ephemera pack for inspiration!
My best inspiration comes while working with others. Ideas flow, energy increases and creations abound.
What an awesome idea for these chaotic times we are living in right now. I think we are all struggling on some level and really do appreciate treats like this one. Thanks so much!
Oops...got so caught up in the emotion I forgot to mention what inspires me! I get my inspiration from all of the artists who were brave enough to step out there and just make art! I get so motivated by coming to spaces like yours and from my yahoo altered art group too!
What a great idea! My "spark" comes from within, a need I have to create and remake things. I am inspired by nature, my children, the emotions I experience when I hear about things going on in our world, and by looking at others' creativity. I am grateful for all of these sparks around me!
I'm thankful that for the first time in 11 years since my husband and only child died I am filled with the joy of the season. Why? Because I have found the love of a good man who loves me unconditionally and adores my silly ways and loves my art,he's actually amazed at my talents. It's the best thing that's happened to me in a very long time and I'm filled with happiness and joy at this joyous and thankful time of year. Thankful, oh I couldn't be more thankful for a second chance to live once again. I want to shout it to the mountain tops, I'm thankful to be in love with life again.
Thanks for this wonderful giveaway.
My spark comes from color and texture and combining materials in new and interesting ways.
Hi- what a lovely and generous idea!
my spark comes from everywhere, within and all around me. Inspiration is truly everywhere.
thanks, diane moser
Wow What a question? Where does anyone's spark come from? Mine depends on the day, the time, and what is going on in my life. What I am doing and where I am. I could try and pinpoint it but I don't know how. Simple things and feelings, a smell, a color, something old, looking through the lens of my camera, spending time with those who are important to me, watching the changing seasons, new food, new cultures, a book....a friend, a stranger, a found object rolled all together become a spark, an inspiration. For me inspiration can be found everywhere... it is what you do with it... how you let it out that defines who you are... then...at that moment.
That was a question that really made me think. Thanks.
Oh and thanks for the generous giveaway.
I love your "punk" pictures.
Hi! It's my first time visiting your blog. Saw your link on the METSY thread on etsy. I'd love the chance to win!! Please enter my name in the drawing.
I love your site....by the way.
I think I get my biggest inspiration from my children....they teach me to veiw life and that in it different. It makes me see all around me in different light, and makes great ART.
Tina Swain
I just found your blog through artistic souls! What a cool giveaway!
My spark comes from my family and from things that make me laugh...I definately like art with some humor in it! It's important to have laughter in your day, to not take life TOO seriously.
Hey Lorraine! What a great idea and great stuff!
My spark is internal but fueled by reading, being outside and feeling peaceful and happy. My art spark allows me to feel good about seeing things my way....and sharing it...
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