what was...what is and what will be...

what was...
oh so many challenges
and resolutions
surprises and happy accidents
started the artist's way and never finished it
No new clothing challenge
Suzanne Vega/Lebanon Opera House/Can't believe I got to meet one of my musical muses/Thank you Phil!
QCCB, best craft show i've done to date
Xcountry with Nini, Dave and the kids
Hanging with Debbie, Moose Lodge and Light Beer
Grown up cousin Nicole walking down the aisle, say I do, Alice and George beaming
Spring time in NY, snowboarders on long island, museums in nyc
Flooded kitchen
Down trees, power's out
Garden tours
Memorial Day haircuts from Capt'n Sean
Brimfield treasures, antique warriors and onion ring for Jesus
Scotch and cigars with Edwardo
Ferries ride across Champlain
Tahawus, Fort Ticonderoga 13 stitched for Jacko
Allentown: this is my rifle, mad world, sorry Blue Devils, but Cavi's rule
Hershey's chocolate and amazing roller coasters
Gettysburg you touched my soul forever
Art walks, Ghost stories
Find Beauty Everyday
photoshop class, postcards and banners
press kits
lots of etsy love, treasuries up the wazoo (thank you all the etsians, who i have never met who featured me in their treasuries)
Burlington Free Press
Seven days four weeks in a row
nickgammaphotography, master of light and mood, i heart you.
zombieland (the remember the little things)
doctor parnassus
lovely bones
boardwalk empire (oh the 20's)
walking dead
while i was gone
mermaid chair
drive from clausen's pier
ahab's wife
adventure's of sherlock holmes
in the tenth house
ursula, under
daughter of fortune
mrs dalloway
yards sales, estate sales, and auctions
Ethan Merrill, the best looking auctioneer in New England
Stacking wood and bon fires
fake it till you make it
lay-offs (grrr...)
dog and pony shows
Market feedback, skittle kids, park rats
new hires
mentors, coaching, a to b model
what do you want? how do you get it? what stands in your way?
some things are better left unsaid
spooky doll house
bird houses with soul
man in a shoe
Captain O my Captain
Charlotte O Charlotte,
I lost the tip of my finger
(small price to pay for an amazingly productive, creative day)
angels and demons, mdm (aka tom waits) you still inspired me and i learn something from you every-time
hop, hop, hopping... first year showing in a the juried show at the Art Hop
much love to the folks at SEABA
solo shows, group exhibit
Art of networking
Art of horror
77 Reasons
what remains
so many memories that linger in my mind, i will not forget you.
what is-NOW
Opportunities, opportunities, opportunities
find beauty everyday
everything she touches changes, everything she changes touches
we've got magic to do
hugs and thanks to you
what will be....
oh... so many things... come along for the ride and see the sites with me.