It finally feels like winter here in the beautiful Green Mountain State. It's cold and blustery outside, the days are shorter, the ground is covered with snow and our German shorthair pointer will not go outside without his sweater on. In the morning, the boys are bundled up waiting for the bus in the morning donned in hats and mittens, huddling close to their hot chocolate. Salad days have ended and hearty soups and hot sandwiches are staples in my lunch box. The buzz all around is about driving to the mountain, shredding and sledding, getting out to enjoy the white stuff. And then of course, there's the Holiday Parties, cookie swaps, shopping and decorating... so much to think about and so much to do. There are so many things to prepare for the end of the year holidays, it feels that if I don't slow down, just a bit, it will fly by without me being able to enjoy any of it. How quickly it can change from a magical to stressful. I want to sit back and relax and enjoy the beauty of it all, but the nagging feeling of all the "stuff" that has to get done, can be overwhelming.
So what are the things you do to keep yourself engaged in the spirit of winter? How do you find balance in all the holiday hustle and bustle?
Anyone who posts a comment this week will be entered in a special drawing on Sunday.... More details to come.... stay well.
Welcome back! So good to see you join in all the chatting and sharing on our thread! I'm a list maker and try to divide the big chores by making daily lists. One big long list would be too much, but a daily one is easier to handle. I take breaks a lot and browse blogs to gather new art ideas and read heartwarming stories too.
I'm with Linda I make lots of lists to keep me organized, that's the only way I get through. this year has been nutso with our move so I'm less organized than normal. I skipped the Christmas cards this year too, that helped. I take lots of coffee breaks and take time for myself to regroup. Things have finally slowed for us so I'm thankful for that.
Great blog, and welcome back. I handle the holidays by starting early and doing a little bit at a time. I didn't get my tree up as early as I'd hoped because I was making two hand sewn, quilted Christmas hearts to give as gifts. But it's up now and looks all warm and homey.
I've not found the secret to keeping stress out of the holiday season. If I have more time, I just try to cram more in! LOL! At least I've become aware of that fact. We have cut back on gifting, it started with the need because of the economy, but it's ended up being an eye opener as to how overboard our family had gotten. We still have so much fun and it's cut down on the mall "wandering" and "wondering"......wandering aimlessly while wondering what to get for someone who really doesn't NEED much. We've come to enjoy the simple things, and being together as a family, really the only time during they year we can get together for some of us!
I don't know if I do a very good job of keeping a balance this time of year, but in a few days the pace will slow down again, and we plan on enjoying family time and reflecting on the true meaning of Christmas! I hear your art is amazing, and I hope to win Sunday's drawing!
My morning coffee must be savored, cup held close, breathing in the aroma and steam. Sip by sip I wake to the day, gazing at teh lit up tree in the corner, petting the occasional cat that saunters up. Then as the liquid lessens I begin the mental notes of the day. What needs to be done to complete the celebrations? What joy can I plan? The last sip swallowed, I stretch to the ceiling and embrace the season.
As the Christmas season approaches it just does not seem like the season without the cold and the snow that the beautiful Green Mountains seems to have. To look off in a distance and see the snow capped mountains is so beautiful. Now don't get me wrong, I am not fond of the snow covered roads that seem to be able to slow me down from accomplishing that lengthy "to do" list that seems to get longer and longer each year but to look at the snow in a distance seems to be what is needed during the Christmas season for it to FEEL like Christmas! My "to do" list has gotten longer and longer each year and I can so vividly remember those years that it would be completed in time however, those years are well over as it has gotten longer and longer and the possibility of getting everything checked off just can't happen! Oh well, "tis the season" and I have come to realize.....no extra stress is needed......what gets done, get's done and what doesn't.....goes on NEXT year's list! Merry Christmas!
Hi Lorraine~
Ah the hustle and bustle of the Holidays....ba-humbug...kidding. I do not have a clue as to how to become less stressed and or organized. I sure wish I did...As I approach the 50 mark...my mind is more scattered, I blame hormones. lol So nice to see you posting, Happy Holidays to you and yours.
I've found the stress I have during the holidays is directly due to the pressures I place on myself to do too much. I truly love making things or baking things for Christmas for people & I tend too get over zealous. The pressure is all created by ME no one is asking me to do these things. I'm working on it. Knowledge is power so maybe I'm almost there realizing this about myself. Happy Holidays! Enjoy your boys enjoying the winter magic~
I think it's harder when you have kids. It's hard enough trying to deconstruct all the marketing pressures that are designed to make you feel inferior. When my kids were younger I worked hard to "control" it all. We are an agnostic family so we don't have the religious doctrines to abide by. What I did when the kids were younger and now too, was to keep reminding myself how we are good parents/people all year around, that its important to be generous, giving and understanding 365 days of the year and not just during a hyped up 30 days at the end of the year. This thought gives me comfort and take a lot of pressure off me.
I remind myself that its important to be kind, generous, and thoughtful all year round and not just during a hyped up 30 days at the end of the year.
It's especially hard with raising kids because of the enormous pressures in our culture.
I'm also learning to ignore all the commercial aspects of the season but have to admit, it's much easier now that my two are young adults.
I know what you mean, it's so easy to let all the have-to's get in the way of enjoyment. We make time on weekends to gather together and watch our fav Christmas movies and enjoy the beauty of the Christmas tree. I hope you find lots of peace and enjoyment this season :)
Hello. I'm a new follower and fan. I'm in the same mode - "slow down". I'm still spinning my wheels to keep up but I've forced myself to go "offline" for a week. I think it's important to remember WHY you are doing all that you do; family, passion, sharing. But, it shouldn't "own" you. I find schedules work best for me and I'm making an appointment to enjoy my own time. Glad I found your blog. Happy Holidays! -Jessica
I don't worry as much about what doesn't get done. My have-to-do list keeps me on track for the important things but my wish-to-do list changes daily.
I'm bad about setting unrealistic expectations on myself during the holidays especially, I find if I can just have 1 or 2 extra days off between Thanksgiving and Christmas, I better equipped to enjoy it all and not feel pressured. I can't always do it but this year I am so I've finally chilled out and am committed to slow it down and enjoy the days the way they were meant to be....with family and friends. Love your pictures LR...so beautiful. Hope you have found time to catch your breath and enjoy the moments that make this season special :)
Great blog. Holidays are not so stressful for me because I do not celebrate Christmas and the pressure to buy gifts is also minimal.
HMMMM drinking helps me through the holidays, family craziness and overwhelming feeling...sometimes it even helps with the hangover too. But looking at pretty things whether snow, the mountains or glimmering prizes give me that warm and fuzzy feeling straight to spring time...love ya
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